Today is such a weird day. I know everyone is feeling the same. I just feel so out of sorts today with everything that is going on. It’s such an unprecedented time, with so much uncertainty.
My Mum and Dad are married 40 years today. They decided to go on holiday and on the way home stop off in Hong Kong to see my brother. They arrived on Sunday and their flights home have been cancelled. I booked them a flight to leave in the next few hours with everyone so sad to be saying goodbye after only a couple of days together 😢
We are still very much business as usual in this house although so very conscious of the impacts of doing this. I’m working from home, Marcus is in the city and the girls are at nursery. It’s so hard to know what the right thing to do is with them but I think it’s only a matter of time before they will be home until further notice anyway and to be honest I think I’ll be relieved when that does happen. How will we continue to work and look after the girls I don’t know but we will have to do our best to juggle it all.
The idea of going into lockdown and not having food for my family scares the bejesus out of me. I hope we can rally together and not against.
This virus scares me even though everyone says the young are not at risk! 9 years ago I moved to London and wasn’t feeling very well. I pushed myself to the limit until eventually I walked myself into A&E. I had 4 litres of fluid around my right lung and no wonder I couldn’t breathe. I had TB with no rhyme or reason for someone my age to get. But I did. Also a respiratory disease, and that’s why I feel so nervous. It takes me back to that time!! And get this, the doctor who looked after me back then, I met his wife through hypnobirthing and I had no idea who she was until I saw a pic on insta of them both. Small world eh.
Please lay low. Look after yourself and one another. Sorry I’ve been so quiet on here lately, just so much going on.
Let’s take this opportunity as a special time to spend with your kids, hubbie, family, whatever that might be for you.
Let’s hope we can all get back to normal again very soon and hopefully learn a lesson or two x