The pelvic floor is a hammock like set of muscles, ligaments and connective tissue. It is a very strong group of muscles supporting the inner organs as well as a growing baby. Any weakness of the muscles can lead to incontinence especially when sneezing, laughing or coughing. During labour, these muscles are relaxed and opened to a great extent and can become weak after baby is born. Therefore it is important for women to do pelvic floor exercises throughout pregnancy and beyond. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ A common challenge for women is being unable to breathe normally when doing a pelvic floor contraction. Here are some great tips from @corefitbybec for learning to breathe while engaging your pelvic floor: . ✔️ Check your breathing before you think about your pelvic floor! Take a couple of minutes to work on relaxed breathing- feeling your belly soft. It should rise gently as you breathe in, and let the pelvic floor relax. Then just let the exhale happen. Don’t force it ✔️ Start gently. Once you’ve ensured that you have a relaxed breathing pattern and you’re not holding tension in your tummy or #pelvicfloor you can start to work on your pelvic floor. Start gently and slowly while maintaining this relaxed breathing pattern ✔️ Start by working with your breath. Try relaxing as you take a breath in - don’t lift your chest or body as you breathe in! As you exhale, gently draw in and up around the back then front passages. Relax again as you slowly inhale. Repeat this until you are comfortable. ✔️Gradually start to hold while you breathe for 1-2 breaths. When you’ve mastered this, start holding the pelvic floor for longer periods of time while still breathing . 📸 @_sarapward_ Pelvic floor health @holistichealthphysio
Updated: Sep 27, 2019